Duet 2
Paintings Exhibition
Alzheimer / Shaghayegh Mahdi
Two Person Silence / Mohadese Eyvazkhani
26Nov 2021
Visiting Days
28Nov – 6Dec 2021
Visiting Hours
15- 20

Duet is the title of group exhibitions that are held in each period with the presence of two artists. Each artist displays a collection of his works with a statement in a part of the gallery.
From the gallery’s point of view, what brings the two artists together is the similarity in their concerns. In this duet, there is “loneliness” that is depicted with or without the presence of a human being; The loneliness from which contemporary man can not escape. …
Two Persons Silence Statement
Our loneliness is shared with them;
The cats that were with us,
in silence,
Without a word,
But they were…
Mohadese Eyvazkhani Artworks
Alzheimer Statement
What I’ve focused on in my work, is rooted in the common qualities of all people:
People and the space that surrounds them, their shallow view towards those around them, even those whom they love but either don’t see them or have forgotten them.
Yet, forgetfulness (Alzheimer’s) is sometimes a blessing. One does not see what’s closest to her
But my goal was to see someone who’d continuedly been on my side, and slowly I understood that her world, despite appearing empty, is beautiful. Without a thought and maybe concern.
My main idea evolved into something else through photography, and this empty vision, dead stare, eyes locked into infinity, was visible in different ways within her.
An existence that gives you the feeling of empty-ness and and pushed the mind into a state of loss and without an identity.
Ezzat(my grandmother) passed away in 2017, and I resumed the “Alzheimer’s” project. This time without her and only with the space and things left behind…
Shaghayegh Mahdi Artworks